THe Path of the EXPLORER


As an absolute novice in this field, I found the course to be really accessible, and gently built me up, challenged me and has helped me to better understand myself as a man.

This work has transformed how I meet myself and the world. The practices and teachings have given me the tools I needed to retrain my nervous system, connect with my deepest purpose, and love from my depth.


The Path of the EXPLORER includes

  • A structured, self-paced online course platform with access to teachings and practices on demand

  • Five course Modules that include:

    • Video teachings from John on foundational tenets of masculine embodiment work

    • Exclusive video and audio guided practices from John and Lead Trainers to install the teachings fully in your nervous system

    • Readings from John and other authors to further ground your understanding of the teachings

    • 6 hours of Q&A sessions from the 2021 Path of the Embodied Masculine Program to help you refine the arc of your practice

    • Reflection Tools to help you integrate what you learned and step powerfully and intentionally into the next teaching

  • Exclusive discounted rates to select future online and in-person events




Transforming your body-mind habits into new possibilities of being and relating begins with embodiment work. In this Module, you will learn to use your body as an instrument of consciousness, vitality, and love that will deepen your relationship to yourself, your intimate partner, and the world.



Learn to effortlessly move from habitual reactivity into your innate sacred depth. In this Module, you will be guided through practices that will increase your embodied sensitivity and allow you to lead all of your relationships from a richer expression of your true core.



Gain clarity on how your deeply held habitual beliefs sabotage what’s possible for you in your relationships and mission. In this Module, you will experience the freedom of releasing these limiting beliefs from your body, and alchemizing them into a completely new way of seeing and moving through the world.



Experience the freedom that comes from aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with your core truth. In this Module, you will learn that integrity is a transmission not a burden. Like any great skill, integrity can be practiced, mastered, and most importantly embodied.



Cultivate the arts of sexual and relational leadership through the embodied transmission of your core depth. In this Module, you will learn the foundational tenets of sexual yoga, including how to command energy, inspire trust, and relax your partner’s nervous system into full-bodied surrender.




Or take advantage of our payment plan:


Note: The Path of the Explorer content will be made available to you in your course site. You will have access for a full 365 days from that date to complete the program.

Not the path for you? Click here to find out more about the Path of the King or the Path of the Conscious Warrior.



  • The Path of the Explorer is ideal for the masculine practitioner who…

    • is a self-starter and prefers to create his own schedule

    • needs to be able to study and practice at his own pace

    • learns best in his own process

    • wants to have an individual journey and believes it would serve him deeply

    • enjoys having teachings and practices on demand

    • wants the ability to go back through content repeatedly to deepen his experience and practice

  • If you participated in The Path of the Embodied Masculine in 2021, we recommend that you choose either The Path of the King or The Path of the Conscious Warrior. The content in The Path of the Explorer has been expanded but is based on the teachings and practices offered in last year’s Path of the Embodied Masculine.

  • The Path of the Explorer is a self-paced version of The Paths of the Embodied Masculine. It is designed to be experienced over a 3-month period of time, but the content will be available to you for one year. It’s a great foundational approach to this content if you are a self-starter or if you want to dip your toes in before committing to a group program. It does not include any live calls or coaching from John or Lead Trainers, so it is completely self-guided with no demand. You can create your own schedule and complete the practices and content at any time for the duration of your access.

    The Path of the King is the live version of The Paths of the Embodied Masculine. It is a 9-week container that includes weekly live calls with John Wineland, Ted Riter, and Travis Streb, small cohorts, and a one-day online immersion. Attendance at all calls is strongly encouraged. You will receive assignments and practices to complete in between calls. This program is designed for the practitioner who wants to dive deeper in a community of other committed men. If you participated in The Path of the Embodied Masculine in 2021, this is an excellent way to deepen your practice. It will be a completely different structure.

    The Path of the Conscious Warrior is a bundle that includes both The Path of the Explorer and The Path of the King at a significant discount.

    The Embodied Men’s Leadership Training is a rigorous 7-month combined online and in-person men's program that offers our deepest dive into leadership and masculine embodiment. Enrollment is limited and admittance is by application and interview only. The next program begins in September 2022.

  • You can absolutely move through the teachings and practices for each Module at your own pace.

  • There are no refunds available for this program and it is non-transferable.

  • The Path of the Explorer content will be made available to you in your course site. You will have access for a full 365 days from that date to complete the program.