Bringing Consciousness to your Occurring World Beliefs

In this video from the 2020 Embodied Women's Relationship Immersion, John explains the concept of an "occurring world" and how to bring awareness to these unconscious beliefs.


You’ll learn:

  • Your "occurring world" is a belief that drives you, and all of the choices you make in your life and your relationships, such as "They're going to leave," "There will never be enough money," or "The world is unsafe."

  • There is nothing wrong with your occurring world or with having these thoughts.

  • Your occurring world likely formed when you were young, so you had no choice about it. Have compassion for yourself and the ways in which you may be limited by this belief.

  • What you can do is bring consciousness to it.

  • Consciousness/awareness involves your Masculine.

  • By bringing consciousness, you can get clear on what it is that unconsciously drives your view of the world.

  • You can't rise above the level that you see the world because it already drives your choices and actions.

  • The process for changing your occurring world is to become aware of your body-mind, shift your body-mind, create a new neural pathway, and then repeat, repeat, repeat.

  • Your current occurring world belief has repeated itself hundreds of thousands of times over the course of your life, so you have to bring repetition in order to shift your body-mind over the long term.

  • To shift your body-mind, you can create a "new occurring world," such as "The world cherishes my wild heart," "Money flows to me like a wellspring," or "The world is holding me exquisitely," and practice embodying that new belief.

  • Once you become aware of your occurring world belief, explore if there are even deeper beliefs underneath it. For example, most women have the occurring world beliefs, "I'm too much" or "I'm not enough," but they often have even deeper, more specific beliefs that drive them underneath that first layer.

  • We tend to stay broad when we begin to bring awareness to these beliefs because our ego often keeps us from getting to the very core of it. This kind of deep work has the capacity to shift everything.

  • Don't be surprised if you experience a lot of resistance or if you can't see your occurring world. Your ego has created an entire embodied persona around this belief.

If you practice with your new occurring world daily, this will change how you experience yourself. It will change the way your world occurs to you. It will change what you magnetize in the world.