
The way of integrity starts by aligning your life with your core heart’s truth

What is masculinity but the effortless transmission of clarity, consciousness, depth, and love expressed through the human body. What we often don’t realize is that this transmission can be learned, practiced, and mastered.

Most of us were just never shown how.

The Paths of the Embodied Masculine are both ancient and decidedly modern navigation tools to help you strengthen your nervous system, widen your awareness, and expand your capacity to love. These programs are your guide to creating a new life of direction, consciousness, integrity, and heart.

The Paths of the Embodied MASCULine

The Path of the EXPLORER is…

  • A foundational, self-paced online course platform consisting of 5 Modules on masculine embodiment and spiritual practice

  • Filled with teachings and exercises that will guide you deeper into the presence, clarity, integrity, and leadership that reflect the core of your essential masculine

  • A perfect start to charting a new life of grounded presence, committment, and meaning

The Path of the KING is…

  • A live 9-week online program led by John Wineland, Ted Riter, and Travis Streb that takes you on a journey into the depths of masculine spiritual, emotional, and embodiment practice

  • For the practitioner who wants to experience the transformation possible when held in the fierce love of other devoted men

  • For the man who knows there is more of him to give to life, love, and the world

The Path of the Conscious Warrior is…

  • For the masculine practitioner who is ready to go all in

  • A bundle that includes both The Path of the Explorer and The Path of the King that will provide a full immersion into the power of masculine embodiment practice

  • The pathway that offers the most complete experience by giving you the benefit of a live weekly journey in community and the self-guided course with teachings, resources, and practices available on demand
