Come and Get Me, Dragon King!

In this video from the June 2020 Art of Spiritual Intimacy Online Weekend Immersion, John works with a woman to unwind her belief that, “The men who can meet me are not here.” He gives her embodied practices to open new possibilities, which can be applied to any “occurring world” belief in your life.

You’ll learn:

  • Often in this work, we wrestle with the intersection between practicing the “yoga of intimacy” and your “occurring world”

  • We all have “occurring world” beliefs that drive everything we do. For example, “There’s not enough money,” “They don’t trust me,” or “I’m not good enough.”

  • When our body takes the shape of those beliefs, they become our transmission into the world

  • If your occurring world is, “The men who can meet me are not here,” that will become the way you see everything in relationship

  • You can train your body to transmit a new occurring world. For example, “Come and get me, Dragon King!”—feel how you might walk through the world differently with that

  • Assume that every man has the energy of ‘Dragon King’ in him—that every man can be fierce; every man can die to protect you; and every man can be a king in his kingdom

  • The more advanced practitioner in any relationship can expand their partner’s capacity through their own practice

  • Ask yourself, “Why am I practicing?” Is it because you want (…to be claimed, received, taken etc.?) These “wants” are legitimate, but see if there is something deeper underneath

  • Most of the time, our desires are bi-products of our childhood wounds and a reflection of our karma

  • Your deepest wound is often your deepest gift

  • The way we change karma is that we change our body first. For example, change your body to be the transmission of, “Come and get me, Dragon King” or “I’m aching for you, Dragon King”

  • When you date, acknowledge and celebrate all of the places where they bring the thing you desire most—i.e. king, sacred surrender, devotion, leadership, ravishment—and see if it becomes more prevalent

  • Make your body, “She/He who must be…” as an embodied expression of your desire; that, for example, there’s so much devotion, depth, generosity, pleasure, and yearning in your body that they don’t have a choice but to shine that part of themselves more fully. Through this practice, you are elevating both of you to greater expressions of yourselves.