Being with Your Own Heart Fully is the Only Worthwhile Strategy

Rather than look for a solution to get over a feeling you don’t want to feel, in this video from the 2020 Advanced Practice Group, John offers a practice for being with your own heart as deeply and fully as possible and honoring the feelings that you typically avoid in order to create true connection.

You can’t make a connection with Other until you are fully connected with Self.

You’ll learn:

  • You can do this practice by playing music, moving your body, pounding your chest, throwing your arms up and wailing, and even making the sound of the feeling.

  • You can begin with one feeling, staying with it fully, and then if a new feeling emerges from beneath it, going there fully.

  • At some point, after you’ve been with your own heart and cycled through these deep feelings, there will be an impulse to do something - i.e. write, practice, take pictures, dance, call a friend, etc. That impulse will come from a deeper place than if you were to act from strategy.

  • The masculine tends to avoid a feeling by strategizing; the feminine tends to do it by trying to guarantee a sense of connection.

  • You loving your own heart is the relationship that matters. From there, other relationships can spring.

  • After you touch a feeling fully, imagine everyone else in the world feeling that same painful emotion and connect to them with every breath—this is a much more honest connection than trying to fix a feeling by fabricating a connection.