Humanity Craves Our Fierceness

In this short video from the February 2020 Valentine’s Intensive in Santa Monica, CA, John describes how to transmute anger into an expression that can be received by your partner and the world as love.

You’ll learn:

  • Anger cannot be destroyed. It cannot be alleviated. The idea that anger can be released and relinquished is a myth — because anger is energy and energy cannot be destroyed.

  • But you can transmute and transform it into something else.

  • A great way to transmute anger is to take a different shape in your body.

  • Most of us express anger through a tight, tense body with fists and jaw clenched, and eyes and heart closed. What if you were to express your anger through a relaxed body; with your belly, solar plexus and throat soft; breath deep; grounded to the earth through a wide, solid stance; your heart wide open; your arms spread out to your sides; and your eyes soft and receptive?

  • From this place, it becomes possible for a new, more powerful, transmission to come through.

  • Although it may feel awkward, uncomfortable and inauthentic at first, if you stay with it, something will lock in.

  • All embodied practice can feel clunky at first, especially if you’ve been moving and expressing through your body in the same habitual ways for decades. So the first time you try to bring “sorceress energy through your fingertips,” for example, you may feel a bit lost and awkward. But once you begin to explore new ways of expressing through your body, you’ll come to discover a wide range of expression available to you in any moment.

  • You are capable of transmuting whatever you are feeling into something else through your body.

  • You can transmute anger into fierceness, which is a deeply powerful force that not only can be received by your partner and the world as love, but which is also needed to open and awaken more consciousness and love on the planet.

Humanity craves our fierceness, especially when it’s coming from a place of wanting to serve, open and deepen our relationships and the world at large.