The Life-Changing Practices of Praise and Worship

In this video from the 2020 Depth & Devotion Program, a 90-day virtual experience in the Art of Sacred Intimacy, John describes the arts and skills of praise and worship, and why he believes they are the most important practices in relationship.


You’ll learn:

  • Praise is our capacity to recognize the unique and special gifts of another human being

  • Worship is our acknowledgement, awe and recognition of the Divine in another

  • The difference between praise and worship is that praise is about humanity and worship is about the Divine

  • You can praise many different attributes of one’s humanity, from the physical to the energetic

  • Examples of praising energetic attributes might be: “You are so radiant,” “Your eyes sparkle,” “Your heart shines,” and “Your smile lights up the room.”

  • The Feminine in all of us loves to be seen and acknowledged for our radiance (i.e. “Your wild heart is so beautiful.”) If you’re praising a Feminine being, you want them to feel like the most seen and felt human being on the planet.

  • The Masculine in all of us loves to be acknowledged for what we do or how we’re being in the world (i.e. “You work so hard;” “You’re so generous to the world.”) If you’re praising a Masculine being, you want them to feel like what they’re doing & creating, and how they’re being in the world is noble and inspiring.

  • Praise is one of the most important practices you can master in relationship, and so few people really cultivate it as an embodied practice

  • Your capacity to see something special and unique in another human being, then artfully articulate it, and let them feel the impact they have on you, is really precious

  • You can praise the human, and you can worship the essence of your lover

  • One of the most nourishing intimate experiences we can have is to be worshipped —to worship the God or Goddess in your lover, especially through their genitals

  • We rarely really dive into what worship can be, and when we think about it, it tends to feel like a lofty concept, but when we concentrate worship through our eyes, fingers, tongue or lips, it can be deeply impactful on our partners

  • Kissing your lover with the full-bodied sensation of worship will probably change their life

    Imagine being kissed and caressed by a lover who is worshipping you with all of the energy of their heart. That is legit sexual healing.