Posts in masculine leadership
Russian Breath Practice

This is an easy Meditation and breath practice that is great for relaxed expansion of breath capacity.  I  have added my own elements and flavor. It was originally taught by Russian Masters as a way to train warriors and athletes to develop strength and stamina without stress. Start with 5-10 minutes in sitting and then start to use the breath while exercising.

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Using Praise to Shape Your Relationship

This is often an area of tremendous missed opportunity, as well as one of deep pain and misunderstanding.   Men will often approach the feminine the way they would one of their masculine friends.  Challenging her to do X, Y, or Z better or different.  That rarely inspires her to follow your lead or makes her feel cherished.  In fact, more often than not, it will piss her off and close her down.

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A number of men show up on my doorstep, somewhat confused and sad as to why they are hitting a wall in their marriages or long term relationships.  The common refrain is something like “I don’t understand what is going on.  I do everything to take care of her and our family and yet she is still unsatisfied and unhappy.” 

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