Posts in create more intimacy
What is Yogic Sexuality?

"Why didn't someone teach me this years ago,?" is something I will often hear often in workshops I teach. I never quite know how to describe what I do. There is no elevator pitch.  So when Mind Body Green asked me to write an article on yogic sexuality, it felt good to sit down and articulate the work I try to embody and present. Much of this work was pioneered in the last 20 years by my teacher, David Deida, but most still have no idea what Yogic Sexuality is.  

I believe sexual yoga is the best-kept health and wellness secret on the planet. And it isn't just about sex! Part science, part mindfulness practice, part performance art, sexual yoga opens your capacity to be more available to your partner, to your own heart, to the world and to the divine (whatever you want to call the divine.) In this article featured in Mind Body Green on March 16, 2018, I dive deeply into what exactly yogic sexuality is and how it will change your life.

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We are Always Evoking From our Partners

In this 4-minute video from the November 2017 The Art of Fearless Intimacy intensive in Berkeley, CA, John and Kendra demonstrate a practice for expressing pain and anger that will bring more connection and intimacy to your relationship.

The masculine and feminine are transmitting and evoking from each other all the time. If the feminine withholds the truth of her heart, the masculine response will be distance. If the masculine doesn't hold a trustworthy container, it will cause the feminine to hold her breath. If she doesn't reveal the pain of being dropped by her partner, she will evoke his distance.

Here you'll learn how to artfully use playful forms of expression, like the "sacred temper tantrum," to break this dynamic and draw something different and more alive from your partner.

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Using Praise to Shape Your Relationship

This is often an area of tremendous missed opportunity, as well as one of deep pain and misunderstanding.   Men will often approach the feminine the way they would one of their masculine friends.  Challenging her to do X, Y, or Z better or different.  That rarely inspires her to follow your lead or makes her feel cherished.  In fact, more often than not, it will piss her off and close her down.

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